Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1. What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is an international event
2. When is it held this year?
It is on the end of March which is on this Saturday.28.03.2009
3. Why do you think people are organising this event?
They are organising it to save the Earth.
4. What will everyone be doing during Earth Hour?
They are supposed to off their light to vote for Earth or switch on their lights if they vote for Global Warming.
5. What other activities can you organise with your family and friends during Earth Hour?
We can switch off the lights together and ceolebrate Earh Hour.
6. What are the other problems the Earth is facing?
Other problems Earth is facing is climate change.
7. Could you propose some solutions to ONE of the problems which you have highlighted?
I do not really know.

Monday, March 23, 2009

1. Did you attend our School Sports Day? If so, how did you find it? If not, why did you not attend our school event?
Yes,i attend.I find it really fun.:]
2. What do you think is the most interesting part of the School Sports? Why?
The most interesting part is the ball game. We had alot of fun playing and also we all can cooperate with each other,
3. What do you think is the most uninteresting part of the School Sports? Why?
The most uninteresting part is when we hear that our house lose.:[
4. How can the school improve on the School Sports Day?
They can improve by making more activities.
5. Do you think engaging in sports is important and useful? If so, why? If not, why?
Yes,it is useful because it makes youo healty.
6. Do you engage in any sports? If so, what is it? If not, why have you not engage in it?
Yes,lastime.It is netball.
7. How can sports help us?
It helps us by keeping us fit.
8. If your were the principal of the school, what would you do to encourage pupils to engage in sports?
I would do two hours of P.E lesson.

No,i have not experienced any incident of fire break out inmy home or neighbourhood.
If there is fire nearby,i would call 995 and tell them what had happened.
If there is fire at home,maybe the forget to off anything that has gas.
You can prevent it by using a blanket to cover yourself.
Yes,i think our pupils are conscious of fire safety.
They are conscious of fire safety because whenever there is an alarm, they are fast and go to the field.
I don't really have an idea about a game.

